2017 m. balandžio 20 d., ketvirtadienis

War report

Though the war was short, it took alot of lives to stop, and consider a general ceasefire:

Also, GNN announced our Operation Firegnome was canceled, it is not. Rather, we have much more plans for the future of the Hub, but for now that is secret information, not to be released for a while.

We are working for plans to make more defensive treaties, and integrate more empires into our space. Colonization will soon be a thing, and we are preparing to colonize other systems aswell, enlargening our empire.

If you see a CS ([SYSTEM-NAME]) Report, that must mean we colonized a star system, and it is now a Firegnome territory.

Operation Firegnome Secondary Report

VMR destabilized, MPS going offline. IDSCF homing, CE canceled. BSP 20%.
Operation Firegnome Stage 1 complete, Stage 2 activation engaged, 5%

2017 m. balandžio 19 d., trečiadienis

BREAKING NEWS: Bez-Harr Concern Calls for Parley, General Ceasefire

BSP Construction in progress. GNS joined with NEAI, CE 10%. VRM Preparations Engaged. IDSCF route complete, on alert. Conflict on Aries x detected, BSS online. Initialize HDPC. GNN transmission active.

Joining the N.E.A.I.

Due to recent diplomacy, the Firegnome race and Nomadic Empire of Avalon and Ilyuletta made a defensive treaty:

You are currently an ally of N.E.A.I. We thank you for joining our movement for peace in the Hub. -TheBlackHoleSon

People of N.E.A.I. are soon to be escorted to Firegnome system, and held in habitats for protection.

Meanwhile, tension between HOVA and BHC rises:
"The Kings Unite! Glory to the Empire! We will surely crush the BHC. Not even their own Embassy is safe from our reach!" -King HOVA

We stay alerted and will use millitary force to end all conflicts if they don't stop soon.

What is this blogspot?

This blogpost is for current, ongoing No Man's Sky Galactic Hub war fiction: https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSGalacticHub/

Two player-made factions are in war with each other, and me (Username: Audenis) and another dude made this Operation Firegnome, in defence of the Hub. You can read about it in the first post.

This blogspot contains coded messages for me and the other player, to show how much progress is being made towards the peace for Galactic Hub. You can try to decode these messages :)

My twitter: https://twitter.com/MatasVasylius

Operation Firegnome Primary Report

MPS Online. VRM Stable and Ready. IDSC Opium En-route to BHC, CE Preparation in progress. No interference detected

2017 m. balandžio 18 d., antradienis

Operation Firegnome

Start of transmission

Hello, interloopers of the Galactic Hub! This is an intelligent democratic alien race, known as Firegnomes, contacting your species through our planetary beacons. We are from system [HUB-K-42] Gnome's Toe, planet Ferwood: http://imgur.com/a/8Adkl

Our observation stations have watched over you a long time ago, and we have translated your language recently.

Our beacons have picked up signals from an unknown source, so we decided to investigate. Turns out they are comming from your home system, Lennon, from a source known as GNN. We translated it, and we see that tensions between certain individuals of your race are building up quite fast, if not, already begun a civil war.

Even though your race was a certain blockade for us in the past, attacking our ships, we forgive all tensions between the interlooper race and the Firegnomes. Although, future attacks aginst our race and destruction of our homeworld will NOT be tolerated.

In defence of our race, we have contacted various other races to help us defend our home system, and our race. Through diplomacy, Vy'keen landforce, codenamed VRM, are now ready to defend the planet from invasions.

Gek fleets are en-route towards our system: http://imgur.com/a/9vKG7

Korvax, major race of [HUB-K-42] Gnome's Toe, are creating a magnetic shielding around Ferwood, blocking all unrecognised starships from landing.

We also have build special temples with the help of Korvax, and contacted the Atlas: http://imgur.com/a/7yg0B

The Atlas has given us a few capital ships for self-defence, with technology forgotten for centuries: http://imgur.com/a/gPRlt

This defensive action aginst the major war'ing factions of the Hub is called Operation Firegnome, and will be put to place until tensions in the Hub have fallen. Until then, this project is going strong and wide.

We have quite a few fleets ready for defence, also with more advanced technology than yours: http://imgur.com/a/NczXF

You cannot "join" us just yet, as we like to remain hidden from your race until all conflicts are gone, but you can help us out in our Operation Firegnome, by spreading this information far and wide, by buying our ships to help us maintain the fleets, or by guarding our space from hostilities of the 2 major Hub factions. Our faction color is Red and dark brown, and we are a democratic race, with no means for conflict.

Propaganda might appear short after, on how we are hostile, but remain sane and do not fall for the trap, as we want peace and prosperity for both of our races. We will not expand our territory into other planets, so you have no fear for our over-extention, as the Atlas has given us portal technology that allows us to warp to other dimensions, where we live in peace, but for that to be maintained, we need our planet to stay alive.

Ending of transmission.

Operation Firegnome engaged