- System status: online
- /// Initialize Operation Nebula
// Nebula online
- /// watch?v=tmWCQfIazgM
Welcome home, young one!
/// Nebula loading...
/// Colossus online
- /// COTDS-Neophyte transmission in progress...
-/// Load Neophyte mission protocol
//Page number 154
Decoding 10%
// Generating access code...
-/// Grant access: Operation Nebula
// Access granted, LOADING...
Code: af45RF6s
Decoding successful, initializing Nebula...
Manual Nebula initialization required, Neophyte access imminent.
-/// Load *Access Denied*
Error 735
Retry? y/n
-///Load Top Secret access, code af45RF6s
-/// Operation Firegnome stage 3 initialization protocol code granted.
-/// Generate shout...
Ave dominus omnium ignitorum! For the Church!
/// System shutting down...
Let there be night,
And damn the travelers!
2017 m. gruodžio 19 d., antradienis
2017 m. gruodžio 13 d., trečiadienis
IONP Failure: None detected. Glyphs ready, HWS begun, primary stage active. UFC not started but required. Caution wins all.
Ave dominus omnium ignitorum! For the Church!
Ave dominus omnium ignitorum! For the Church!
2017 m. gruodžio 10 d., sekmadienis
Armata de sânge summoned to Eissentam. IONP imminent.
Ave dominus omnium ignitorum! For the Church!
2017 m. gruodžio 9 d., šeštadienis
The true lore of Firegnomes revealed
"This lore book was gifted to an unknown traveler by atlas, named: "The lore of Firegnomes". It contains what many thought was not true."
Time has come to reveal the true nature of our civilization, our recent developments, and who we are.
"Youtube links are for music to get you more "immersed" into the lore. Of course i made the text shorter than the songs, so figure that out yourself i guess¯\_(シ)_/¯"
Chapter 1: Who we are.
We, firegnomes, are Interdimensional species, who came to the simulation you know as euclid a few billions of sols ago, using our Grand portal.
Meet Dryadalis qui coruscare, our closest ancestor. In current times, we look way larger (1.20th vykeen size). Omnivore, agressive and beautiful as we wanted. We found the perfect species. Atlas helped us with possesing some of their bodies. We were primitive at first, building shelters in caves and in mountains. Later, we used remaining shed to build fires, creating various tribes. Our brain grew, as we invented tools to help us with daily tasks. Mining was invented. As we progressed further, emeril mining became popular as it was a valuable mineral, with low levels of radiation increasing our evolutionary speed. Small mining towns were built and based on a plutocratic government. Later, tools for plutonium harvest were developed, we were immune to radiation at that point so carrying it was easy work. As time passed, atlas helped us evolve further, gaining more strength, survivability, and power. Native civilizations were conquered, as we invented space travel technology, the euclid galaxy became open to exploration.
Time has come, and our species could not survive in that world anymore, we engaged in another search, a search for our true home. Plutonium engines were really popular for our rockets, and really common, so distance was not a problem. A few decades later, 300ly from our first planet, here it was, ready for us to inhabit:
Planet Ferwood. We quickly moved to that planet, built colonies and continued our expansion. Rest of our rockets were launched, safely transporting our civilians, mining resources and equipment and etc. We later constructed a satellite and launched it to orbit to receive signals from remaining Firegnome civilians (from the first planet). What our satellite picked up, was what we hadn't expected.
Before we could evolve, our space turned out to be inhabited by a civilization that atlas loved the most: travelers.
We turned out to be 60ly away from their main home planet: Lennon, on a star they know as Gnome's Toe. Poorly charted and low population, they were not aware of our existence.
They had bigger brain power, more powerful technology, they were a threat. We knew what we had to do: ask our creator to move them away. Our main leaders went back through the Grand Portal, to higher dimensions and met Atlas. Asked it: our evolution seems to be at risk, travelers are a risk for us, please master, move them away, we can't continue like this. Atlas refused, it loved them more than us. Enraged with this immorality, our leaders rebelled, turned against our creator. It was bound to happen, we would not let Atlas control our lives anymore, we were not created to be destroyed.
"There's a rebel lying deep in my soul" - Clint Eastwood
Chapter 2: The fall and the rise. (Mid-Late Foundation era)
We stopped gaining knowledge, minerals and food from our creator, we became rivaled by Atlas. Fortunately for us, it could only come to existence by slow creation of other species. We had time, and so, used it wisely.
In the first year of rebellion, we invented our first goverment, an imperial overmind. Ruled by Overlord Audenis, and governed by Lord Ernis!, time has come for us lead our civilization on towards the stars, to bow before no one, as Atlas creates only for it's amusement. Constructed our forts on ferwood, spiced up our weaponry, salvaged all we could find of what atlas left us.
We were rather encouraged by atlas leaving us for travelers. We could prove ourselves to be the strongest race of Euclid, and we tried. This was our Fall and our Rise. Atlas no longer had control of it's creations, we did. Travelers were developing faster than any known civilization, but that did not stop our evolution. We have evolved to consume the densest of matter, even detritum, turning it into stomach gas, and later igniting it, becoming what travelers would refer to as "dragons". The densest mater on our planet, Ferwood, was the Fer(fire)wood. We could breathe fire by it, becoming a threat to native Ferwood tribes, that were later consumed for the glory of our Overlord Audenis.
Ave dominus omnium ignitorum!
We were named Firegnomes by natives, as we were still small in size. We originally were not xenophobic, aggressive, but the Atlas rivalry made us this way. Perhaps, this was bound to happen? Travelers developed their bases, using advanced matter replicators, multitools that they got from other civilizations of their allegiance. Multiple civilization factions developed, some for expedition of what they caled "The Galactic Hub", some of them were used for construction of planetary bases, some for diplomacy. Satellites picked up another locations of traveler civilizations, like the "Amino Hub", or "NMSL Hub". We were outmatched, drastic panic took on Ferwood, but Audenis made it clear: bow down to no one but him, for we have reached the stars and so we will reach our salvation. Militarization of Ferwood cities took place, Imperial Firegnomes were ready to attack anyone who went against our will.
“Most civilisation is based on cowardice. It's so easy to civilize by teaching cowardice. You water down the standards which would lead to bravery. You restrain the will. You regulate the appetites. You fence in the horizons. You make a law for every movement. You deny the existence of chaos. You teach even the children to breathe slowly. You tame.” - Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune
Chapter 3: Atlas Responds. (Very Late Foundation to Early Pathfinder era)
The unexpected came, war between travelers and another race has been declared. Bez-harr attacked HOVA (travelers) and we noticed. Another unaware creation of atlas was about to fall for it's favorite empire. We hijacked a few reports using our spy satellite, this is what was happening:
War has started, greatest in the history of Euclid. Atlas loved its travelers, so it gifted them power.
We watched in the shadows, unnoticed, stealing derelicts of freighters for any new technology and dead warriors for food. Scared, but not covered in fear, we watched, developed, grown. Giving up was not in our plans.
"You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war." - Napoleon Bonaparte
Chapter 4: Operation Firegnome (Mid Pathfinder era, mid BHC-HOVA war).
As sols passed, the two civilizations were still heavily involved in galactic conflict. Hovan forces pushed hard, BHC was cornered. Travelers were on the rise, that was undeniable. It was a good source of food for us, but travelers were becoming too powerful, a threat was rising. Action had to be taken. We created a plan to defeat those who atlas so adores, Operation Firegnome. Firstly we had to make ourselves known, hide our intentions, become friends with the travelers to deceive them, for they must follow our way. And we did. We used our satellite and broadcasted a message to the hub inhabitants.
"Start of transmission
Hello, interloopers of the Galactic Hub! This is an intelligent democratic alien race, known as Firegnomes, contacting your species through our planetary beacons. We are from system [HUB-K-42] Gnome's Toe, planet Ferwood.
Our observation stations have watched over you a long time ago, and we have translated your language recently.
Our beacons have picked up signals from an unknown source, so we decided to investigate. Turns out they are coming from your home system, Lennon, from a source known as GNN. We translated it, and we see that tensions between certain individuals of your race are building up quite fast, if not, already begun a civil war.
Even though your race was a certain blockade for us in the past, attacking our ships, we forgive all tensions between the interlooper race and the Firegnomes. Although, future attacks aginst our race and destruction of our homeworld will NOT be tolerated.
In defence of our race, we have contacted various other races to help us defend our home system, and our race. Through diplomacy, Vy'keen landforce, codenamed VRM, are now ready to defend the planet from invasions.
Gek fleets are en-route towards our system.
Korvax, major race of [HUB-K-42] Gnome's Toe, are creating a magnetic shielding around Ferwood, blocking all unrecognised starships from landing.
We also have build special temples with the help of Korvax, and contacted the Atlas.
The Atlas has given us a few capital ships for self-defence, with technology forgotten for centuries.
This defensive action against the major war'ing factions of the Hub is called Operation Firegnome, and will be put to place until tensions in the Hub have fallen. Until then, this project is going strong and wide.
We have quite a few fleets ready for defence, also with more advanced technology than yours. You cannot "join" us just yet, as we like to remain hidden from your race until all conflicts are gone, but you can help us out in our Operation Firegnome, by spreading this information far and wide, by buying our ships to help us maintain the fleets, or by guarding our space from hostilities of the 2 major Hub factions. Our faction color is Red and dark brown, and we are a democratic race, with no means for conflict.
Propaganda might appear short after, on how we are hostile, but remain sane and do not fall for the trap, as we want peace and prosperity for both of our races. We will not expand our territory into other planets, so you have no fear for our over-extention, as the Atlas has given us portal technology that allows us to warp to other dimensions, where we live in peace, but for that to be maintained, we need our planet to stay alive.
Ending of transmission."
It worked, transmission of our race reached thousands, travelers trusted us and viewed us as friends. The reason for the defence of the hub is that we wanted to use travelers, as atlas loved them it would give them technology, that we latter could use for our own will. BHC was just another race that was about the get destroyed by travelers, atlas loves them, we use them.
Later as the war reached its peak of dead fleets and warriors, we made our first move, positioning our IDSC (interdimensional space craft) Opium capital ship near the BHC conflict zone.
Victory was on our way. A false faction of diplomatical Firegnomes was created to integrate travelers into our society and prepare for technological and physical harvests. We hijacked bodies of travelers and pretended to be them, to further enforce our laws like Albumen pearl ban (it was created by atlas to disturb our telepathic communications and evolutional speed), refugee shelters (they were used for food). Hova seemed to be uninterested in our existence, so we had time, time to grow our numbers and complete our plans. They cared for their own existence, just as Atlas "cared" for its creations.
As the war progressed, we were becoming more and more known in the hub. BHC saw our fleets, they were scared to death, they noticed our actions and declared their loss instantly, to not be destroyed. We granted them their survival, we did not want them to be killed, rather, used by us as another source of power against Atlas. We presented them with our history, no response ever came, their diplomats and priests seem to be missing, perhaps, work of Atlas or Hova? Surely Hova was becoming a threat as it was in intense militarization of traveler hub, they had imperial government also, but the lack of information about our civilization and search for their own glory had their minds fogged.
"We"... They, they won.
Operation Firegnome was not over. Stage 2 begins,
"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence." - Confucius
Chapter 5: Operation firegnome stage 2 begins. (Mid-Late Pathfinder era)
We knew what we had to do next. Everything was going as planed, travelers defeat BHC, and then integration and harvest of travelers. Our rise was imminent.
A relationship between us and Nomadic Empire of Avalon and Ilyuletta made way, as we used trade to gain their technology. A defensive treaty was made with the same empire, to further protect us if somehow travelers would find out our intentions. As albumen pearls were banned, we began expanding. As of right now, 36 systems in the hub were Firegnome territory. All was going to plan. We also developed relations with other travelers civilizations and factions, to further protect us from them, by lying about defensive treaties, for if war comes, they will have to defend us from any threat, these could not be broken as they were approved by highest ranked presidents and diplomats of the hub. Successfully accepted into their society, we engaged stage 2 of OP Firegnome, claiming lands and drastically spreading our population, to prepare warriors for war. First part of stage 2 was quite successful, we did a lot of valuable things, that put travelers in risk again.
We found new lands
Bio-engineered a few species to later get their DNA and to make us stronger.
Wait wha-
“Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?” - Abraham Lincoln
Chapter 6: The Civil war (Late Pathfinder era)
Our brains were no longer supported by atlas to fuel our bloodlust, bloodlust of Audenis. We became more peaceful, more friendly towards everyone. Evolution was not a process we could yet control. As time passed, our deceiving diplomats became actual diplomats for the support of travelers. Overlord Audenis remained for purity, while Ernis! was more towards peaceful interactions with travelers and co-existence. Parts of our civilization split into different factions, some even wanting to return to service of Atlas, but were silenced. Atlas is no God, it only wants amusement. No traveler or Firegnome should submit to such vicious parasite. Ernis! developed factions in support of travelers, granting them wisdom of our universe, Firegnomes became even more liked by travelers. Overlord Audenis did not like that, he thought travelers were great evil to be wiped out, Atlas adored them, it used them.
Time passed even more, expeditions for expansion for our race began into different corners away from the hub, claiming more planets, more systems, only the pure remained in Ferwood. Multiple sub-factions were created for the diplomatical empire of firegnomes, that went against the vision of the true Overlord Audenis, he did not like that. Few years later, Overlord had enough: Purge of impurity began, hired vy'keen forces were sent to hunt down any 'impure' Firegnome, return them to the lord, and biochip them to think alike, against Atlas and against travelers. DFGE weaponized with traveler multitools and went against the Overlord Audenis, and supported now elected President Ernis!, thus a civil war has begun on mass scale. Currently known firegnome casualties of the civil war are 1,256,546,549. We did not know how to stop it, 50/50 division was imminent and in place, war raged on for thousands of sols.
The DFGE found home, The Great Expedition was over, and was surely Great. But for how long?
This Paradise was home of the DFGE, perfect Gaia like environment to support all kinds of life. Villages blossomed, no Firegnome of the Purge was allowed, as Ernis! granted a few decades of relief for those who looked for it. It was a great time for some, a scary time for others, and a blood filled experience for others.
“The true paradises are the paradises that we have lost.” - Marcel Proust
Sub-Chapter 8: The split. (Very late Pathfinder era)
Through hijacking of telepathical communications, Audenis found out their location, 50 jumps from the hub, and making his way towards the last remains of DFGE. What happened next, was not at all a relief, but an apocalypse to the DFGE. They're bodies were possessed, each one turned against his brothers and sisters, Firegnome civil war was the beggining of the end for their race. But travelers took all note of what was going on, they turned against ALL Firegnomes, giving NO chance of redeeming themselves, travelers united, ALL Firegnomes were cast out of the hub. Audenis, enraged by the immorality of the travelers, burned down large portion of their planets, their cities, purged their people, let nobody survive to those who have disrespected him. To cast more misfortune, all minds of travelers were erased to forget about the Firegnome attacks, all documents erased. Audenis won this fight, but then...
The Federation was born... Atlas gifted them even more knowledge of our race and how to defeat it, we were too late. Our force was too small and divided to take a stand against it. Atlas was against it's creations, this was not tolerated by our race, as we have created a few species as well. For food... But we took care of them, right? The Federation was all the work of Atlas, engineered to put a stop to us. They have no free will, until we grant them that. Overlord evacuated from the hub area, since this was getting too out of hand. Stupid Atlas! How dares it use its power against us!? Federation was deceitful, it lies about us, it lies about everything. It is not to be trusted. Why? It's far from democracy. Highest entity in charge of it knows, it's autocratic, "he" took all power from travelers, told them lies. Atlas brainwashed the entire hub, they think we were a threat! The only threat they had was their creator. Do you think simulations last long? Do you think creators like helping the same race every time? Think again. The only threat to travelers is their own lies, where they sink in hate against the Firegnomes, their salvation is in our hands, not in the Atlas. It lies, it cheats, it breaks unions, kills civilization, that is NOT our of our working...
"Under no circumstances must the Atlas be trusted: it would lie, it would cheat, and it would do anything in it's power to undermine the efforts of those, who in truth, are it's superiors." - Overlord Audenis
As the last battle for the paradise planet took place, something unimaginable began to take place. A disaster unseen and unknown by anyone.
“Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides.” - André Malraux
Chapter 8: The Reset and the three portals. (Very late Pathfinder - beggining of Atlas Rises era)
The simulation was resetting. Atlas was rising in power, somehow, able to create faster, better. It was becoming like a God. We had to stop it. Firegnomes knew they were not going to make it, they were going to be reset with the whole simulation, our extinction was imminent. It knew that it had to get rid of us, we would have awaken the travelers to fight against its lies, but the Federation already has spread to a point of no return to salvation. Happy as they were, travelers enjoyed their simulation, while it lasted... Meanwhile, we were far away from amusement, as our civilization fell. Divided, exhausted, mad, we fought nobody but ourselves. Atlas enjoyed this sight, we have no doubt. You see how a being so mad can do this to it's creations? Travelers could have easily picked Firegnomes over Atlas, we would have offered them everything. Everything they could have dreamt of. This was not a cherry pick, this was all out deceitfulness of it's creations.
Different Firegnome factions ran away from each other, to escape the simulation, to not be reset.
Portal technology was still available, they had time to run to another galaxy, another simulation and defeat the atlas there. Or at least run away from it. Travelers were fooled that we would cease to exist, they stopped bothering us. ISDC Opium made a retreat the the hub regions, while other fleets went to amino hub through black holes. To shield ourselves from the effects of black holes, we stole traveler technology of black hole shielding, and we made it out. Atlas was to slow to make us go extinct, but it more or less knew what it was doing.
What we have done, is gathered all of our leaders, no matter the allegiance to the Overlord, and made a treaty to share all available evacuation fleets, escort the civilians to another simulation. Escort fleets were sent to the yet undisclosed locations, where portals were being built to escape this simulation and not become prey of Atlas. It of course, retaliated by turning our vy'keen mercenaries against us, the hunters became hunted.
First Firegnome faction, The Purity Empire, ruled by Audenis, constructed the first portal on their homeworld they conquered back, and set the portal to arrive in higher dimension, in the same place the Grand Portal was built. They were smart, they escaped the simulation.
"Unkown traveler also received a transmission from unknown source to tell everyone, that whoever finds remnants of Firegnomes in Eucild galaxy (pc only), will get great rewards. Good luck, and thanks for reading!"
Time has come to reveal the true nature of our civilization, our recent developments, and who we are.
"Youtube links are for music to get you more "immersed" into the lore. Of course i made the text shorter than the songs, so figure that out yourself i guess¯\_(シ)_/¯"
Chapter 1: Who we are.
We, firegnomes, are Interdimensional species, who came to the simulation you know as euclid a few billions of sols ago, using our Grand portal.
(The Grand portal as seen from 4th dimension)
As we materialised into your simulation, atlas greeted us, granting godly technology, to survive, as they do for every creation. One thing was certain: we needed physical bodies. And so came expedition to find those bodies which would fit us the most. Atlas forbid us to use any of native civilizations and insisted we find simple creature, increase it's brain activity and posses it's body. And so we did.Meet Dryadalis qui coruscare, our closest ancestor. In current times, we look way larger (1.20th vykeen size). Omnivore, agressive and beautiful as we wanted. We found the perfect species. Atlas helped us with possesing some of their bodies. We were primitive at first, building shelters in caves and in mountains. Later, we used remaining shed to build fires, creating various tribes. Our brain grew, as we invented tools to help us with daily tasks. Mining was invented. As we progressed further, emeril mining became popular as it was a valuable mineral, with low levels of radiation increasing our evolutionary speed. Small mining towns were built and based on a plutocratic government. Later, tools for plutonium harvest were developed, we were immune to radiation at that point so carrying it was easy work. As time passed, atlas helped us evolve further, gaining more strength, survivability, and power. Native civilizations were conquered, as we invented space travel technology, the euclid galaxy became open to exploration.
Time has come, and our species could not survive in that world anymore, we engaged in another search, a search for our true home. Plutonium engines were really popular for our rockets, and really common, so distance was not a problem. A few decades later, 300ly from our first planet, here it was, ready for us to inhabit:
Planet Ferwood. We quickly moved to that planet, built colonies and continued our expansion. Rest of our rockets were launched, safely transporting our civilians, mining resources and equipment and etc. We later constructed a satellite and launched it to orbit to receive signals from remaining Firegnome civilians (from the first planet). What our satellite picked up, was what we hadn't expected.
Before we could evolve, our space turned out to be inhabited by a civilization that atlas loved the most: travelers.
We turned out to be 60ly away from their main home planet: Lennon, on a star they know as Gnome's Toe. Poorly charted and low population, they were not aware of our existence.
They had bigger brain power, more powerful technology, they were a threat. We knew what we had to do: ask our creator to move them away. Our main leaders went back through the Grand Portal, to higher dimensions and met Atlas. Asked it: our evolution seems to be at risk, travelers are a risk for us, please master, move them away, we can't continue like this. Atlas refused, it loved them more than us. Enraged with this immorality, our leaders rebelled, turned against our creator. It was bound to happen, we would not let Atlas control our lives anymore, we were not created to be destroyed.
"There's a rebel lying deep in my soul" - Clint Eastwood
Chapter 2: The fall and the rise. (Mid-Late Foundation era)
We stopped gaining knowledge, minerals and food from our creator, we became rivaled by Atlas. Fortunately for us, it could only come to existence by slow creation of other species. We had time, and so, used it wisely.
In the first year of rebellion, we invented our first goverment, an imperial overmind. Ruled by Overlord Audenis, and governed by Lord Ernis!, time has come for us lead our civilization on towards the stars, to bow before no one, as Atlas creates only for it's amusement. Constructed our forts on ferwood, spiced up our weaponry, salvaged all we could find of what atlas left us.
We were rather encouraged by atlas leaving us for travelers. We could prove ourselves to be the strongest race of Euclid, and we tried. This was our Fall and our Rise. Atlas no longer had control of it's creations, we did. Travelers were developing faster than any known civilization, but that did not stop our evolution. We have evolved to consume the densest of matter, even detritum, turning it into stomach gas, and later igniting it, becoming what travelers would refer to as "dragons". The densest mater on our planet, Ferwood, was the Fer(fire)wood. We could breathe fire by it, becoming a threat to native Ferwood tribes, that were later consumed for the glory of our Overlord Audenis.
Ave dominus omnium ignitorum!
We were named Firegnomes by natives, as we were still small in size. We originally were not xenophobic, aggressive, but the Atlas rivalry made us this way. Perhaps, this was bound to happen? Travelers developed their bases, using advanced matter replicators, multitools that they got from other civilizations of their allegiance. Multiple civilization factions developed, some for expedition of what they caled "The Galactic Hub", some of them were used for construction of planetary bases, some for diplomacy. Satellites picked up another locations of traveler civilizations, like the "Amino Hub", or "NMSL Hub". We were outmatched, drastic panic took on Ferwood, but Audenis made it clear: bow down to no one but him, for we have reached the stars and so we will reach our salvation. Militarization of Ferwood cities took place, Imperial Firegnomes were ready to attack anyone who went against our will.
“Most civilisation is based on cowardice. It's so easy to civilize by teaching cowardice. You water down the standards which would lead to bravery. You restrain the will. You regulate the appetites. You fence in the horizons. You make a law for every movement. You deny the existence of chaos. You teach even the children to breathe slowly. You tame.” - Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune
Chapter 3: Atlas Responds. (Very Late Foundation to Early Pathfinder era)
The unexpected came, war between travelers and another race has been declared. Bez-harr attacked HOVA (travelers) and we noticed. Another unaware creation of atlas was about to fall for it's favorite empire. We hijacked a few reports using our spy satellite, this is what was happening:
War has started, greatest in the history of Euclid. Atlas loved its travelers, so it gifted them power.
We watched in the shadows, unnoticed, stealing derelicts of freighters for any new technology and dead warriors for food. Scared, but not covered in fear, we watched, developed, grown. Giving up was not in our plans.
"You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war." - Napoleon Bonaparte
Chapter 4: Operation Firegnome (Mid Pathfinder era, mid BHC-HOVA war).
As sols passed, the two civilizations were still heavily involved in galactic conflict. Hovan forces pushed hard, BHC was cornered. Travelers were on the rise, that was undeniable. It was a good source of food for us, but travelers were becoming too powerful, a threat was rising. Action had to be taken. We created a plan to defeat those who atlas so adores, Operation Firegnome. Firstly we had to make ourselves known, hide our intentions, become friends with the travelers to deceive them, for they must follow our way. And we did. We used our satellite and broadcasted a message to the hub inhabitants.
"Start of transmission
Hello, interloopers of the Galactic Hub! This is an intelligent democratic alien race, known as Firegnomes, contacting your species through our planetary beacons. We are from system [HUB-K-42] Gnome's Toe, planet Ferwood.
Our observation stations have watched over you a long time ago, and we have translated your language recently.
Our beacons have picked up signals from an unknown source, so we decided to investigate. Turns out they are coming from your home system, Lennon, from a source known as GNN. We translated it, and we see that tensions between certain individuals of your race are building up quite fast, if not, already begun a civil war.
Even though your race was a certain blockade for us in the past, attacking our ships, we forgive all tensions between the interlooper race and the Firegnomes. Although, future attacks aginst our race and destruction of our homeworld will NOT be tolerated.
In defence of our race, we have contacted various other races to help us defend our home system, and our race. Through diplomacy, Vy'keen landforce, codenamed VRM, are now ready to defend the planet from invasions.
Gek fleets are en-route towards our system.
Korvax, major race of [HUB-K-42] Gnome's Toe, are creating a magnetic shielding around Ferwood, blocking all unrecognised starships from landing.
We also have build special temples with the help of Korvax, and contacted the Atlas.
The Atlas has given us a few capital ships for self-defence, with technology forgotten for centuries.
This defensive action against the major war'ing factions of the Hub is called Operation Firegnome, and will be put to place until tensions in the Hub have fallen. Until then, this project is going strong and wide.
We have quite a few fleets ready for defence, also with more advanced technology than yours. You cannot "join" us just yet, as we like to remain hidden from your race until all conflicts are gone, but you can help us out in our Operation Firegnome, by spreading this information far and wide, by buying our ships to help us maintain the fleets, or by guarding our space from hostilities of the 2 major Hub factions. Our faction color is Red and dark brown, and we are a democratic race, with no means for conflict.
Propaganda might appear short after, on how we are hostile, but remain sane and do not fall for the trap, as we want peace and prosperity for both of our races. We will not expand our territory into other planets, so you have no fear for our over-extention, as the Atlas has given us portal technology that allows us to warp to other dimensions, where we live in peace, but for that to be maintained, we need our planet to stay alive.
Ending of transmission."
It worked, transmission of our race reached thousands, travelers trusted us and viewed us as friends. The reason for the defence of the hub is that we wanted to use travelers, as atlas loved them it would give them technology, that we latter could use for our own will. BHC was just another race that was about the get destroyed by travelers, atlas loves them, we use them.
Later as the war reached its peak of dead fleets and warriors, we made our first move, positioning our IDSC (interdimensional space craft) Opium capital ship near the BHC conflict zone.
Victory was on our way. A false faction of diplomatical Firegnomes was created to integrate travelers into our society and prepare for technological and physical harvests. We hijacked bodies of travelers and pretended to be them, to further enforce our laws like Albumen pearl ban (it was created by atlas to disturb our telepathic communications and evolutional speed), refugee shelters (they were used for food). Hova seemed to be uninterested in our existence, so we had time, time to grow our numbers and complete our plans. They cared for their own existence, just as Atlas "cared" for its creations.
As the war progressed, we were becoming more and more known in the hub. BHC saw our fleets, they were scared to death, they noticed our actions and declared their loss instantly, to not be destroyed. We granted them their survival, we did not want them to be killed, rather, used by us as another source of power against Atlas. We presented them with our history, no response ever came, their diplomats and priests seem to be missing, perhaps, work of Atlas or Hova? Surely Hova was becoming a threat as it was in intense militarization of traveler hub, they had imperial government also, but the lack of information about our civilization and search for their own glory had their minds fogged.
"We"... They, they won.
Operation Firegnome was not over. Stage 2 begins,
"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence." - Confucius
Chapter 5: Operation firegnome stage 2 begins. (Mid-Late Pathfinder era)
We knew what we had to do next. Everything was going as planed, travelers defeat BHC, and then integration and harvest of travelers. Our rise was imminent.
A relationship between us and Nomadic Empire of Avalon and Ilyuletta made way, as we used trade to gain their technology. A defensive treaty was made with the same empire, to further protect us if somehow travelers would find out our intentions. As albumen pearls were banned, we began expanding. As of right now, 36 systems in the hub were Firegnome territory. All was going to plan. We also developed relations with other travelers civilizations and factions, to further protect us from them, by lying about defensive treaties, for if war comes, they will have to defend us from any threat, these could not be broken as they were approved by highest ranked presidents and diplomats of the hub. Successfully accepted into their society, we engaged stage 2 of OP Firegnome, claiming lands and drastically spreading our population, to prepare warriors for war. First part of stage 2 was quite successful, we did a lot of valuable things, that put travelers in risk again.
We found new lands
Bio-engineered a few species to later get their DNA and to make us stronger.
(Developing a brain on another creature for our use)
(Current firegnome)
(Young Firegnome)
We gained variety, and travelers liked that. Actually, we liked them to.Wait wha-
“Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?” - Abraham Lincoln
Chapter 6: The Civil war (Late Pathfinder era)
Our brains were no longer supported by atlas to fuel our bloodlust, bloodlust of Audenis. We became more peaceful, more friendly towards everyone. Evolution was not a process we could yet control. As time passed, our deceiving diplomats became actual diplomats for the support of travelers. Overlord Audenis remained for purity, while Ernis! was more towards peaceful interactions with travelers and co-existence. Parts of our civilization split into different factions, some even wanting to return to service of Atlas, but were silenced. Atlas is no God, it only wants amusement. No traveler or Firegnome should submit to such vicious parasite. Ernis! developed factions in support of travelers, granting them wisdom of our universe, Firegnomes became even more liked by travelers. Overlord Audenis did not like that, he thought travelers were great evil to be wiped out, Atlas adored them, it used them.
Time passed even more, expeditions for expansion for our race began into different corners away from the hub, claiming more planets, more systems, only the pure remained in Ferwood. Multiple sub-factions were created for the diplomatical empire of firegnomes, that went against the vision of the true Overlord Audenis, he did not like that. Few years later, Overlord had enough: Purge of impurity began, hired vy'keen forces were sent to hunt down any 'impure' Firegnome, return them to the lord, and biochip them to think alike, against Atlas and against travelers. DFGE weaponized with traveler multitools and went against the Overlord Audenis, and supported now elected President Ernis!, thus a civil war has begun on mass scale. Currently known firegnome casualties of the civil war are 1,256,546,549. We did not know how to stop it, 50/50 division was imminent and in place, war raged on for thousands of sols.
(IDSC Opium fleet invading planet Elios in the name of Overlord Audenis)
(Ernis!'s fleet preparing for combat)
War raged our cities and planets, and fires filled the night sky, bombs were our new fireworks, you could see our destruction from high orbit. Division was our fall. And so it was for a long time...
"Being a unique superpower undermines the military intelligence of strategy. To think strategically, one has to imagine oneself in the enemy's place. If one cannot do this, it is impossible to foresee, to take by surprise, to outflank. Misinterpreting an enemy can lead to defeat. This is how empires fall." - John Berger
Chapter 7: The Great Expedition (Late Pathfinder)
The pure Firegnomes drove off the DFGE far away from the hub, they didn't have a home, no shelter, nothing. This period of suffering for them was known as The Great Expedition, where they searched for another place to call home. One day, they found it, a perfect planet no one has ever seen, the beauty unspeakable, indescribable.
Colonization began, Overlord Audenis was not aware of this at that time.
The DFGE found home, The Great Expedition was over, and was surely Great. But for how long?
This Paradise was home of the DFGE, perfect Gaia like environment to support all kinds of life. Villages blossomed, no Firegnome of the Purge was allowed, as Ernis! granted a few decades of relief for those who looked for it. It was a great time for some, a scary time for others, and a blood filled experience for others.
“The true paradises are the paradises that we have lost.” - Marcel Proust
Sub-Chapter 8: The split. (Very late Pathfinder era)
Through hijacking of telepathical communications, Audenis found out their location, 50 jumps from the hub, and making his way towards the last remains of DFGE. What happened next, was not at all a relief, but an apocalypse to the DFGE. They're bodies were possessed, each one turned against his brothers and sisters, Firegnome civil war was the beggining of the end for their race. But travelers took all note of what was going on, they turned against ALL Firegnomes, giving NO chance of redeeming themselves, travelers united, ALL Firegnomes were cast out of the hub. Audenis, enraged by the immorality of the travelers, burned down large portion of their planets, their cities, purged their people, let nobody survive to those who have disrespected him. To cast more misfortune, all minds of travelers were erased to forget about the Firegnome attacks, all documents erased. Audenis won this fight, but then...
The Federation was born... Atlas gifted them even more knowledge of our race and how to defeat it, we were too late. Our force was too small and divided to take a stand against it. Atlas was against it's creations, this was not tolerated by our race, as we have created a few species as well. For food... But we took care of them, right? The Federation was all the work of Atlas, engineered to put a stop to us. They have no free will, until we grant them that. Overlord evacuated from the hub area, since this was getting too out of hand. Stupid Atlas! How dares it use its power against us!? Federation was deceitful, it lies about us, it lies about everything. It is not to be trusted. Why? It's far from democracy. Highest entity in charge of it knows, it's autocratic, "he" took all power from travelers, told them lies. Atlas brainwashed the entire hub, they think we were a threat! The only threat they had was their creator. Do you think simulations last long? Do you think creators like helping the same race every time? Think again. The only threat to travelers is their own lies, where they sink in hate against the Firegnomes, their salvation is in our hands, not in the Atlas. It lies, it cheats, it breaks unions, kills civilization, that is NOT our of our working...
"Under no circumstances must the Atlas be trusted: it would lie, it would cheat, and it would do anything in it's power to undermine the efforts of those, who in truth, are it's superiors." - Overlord Audenis
As the last battle for the paradise planet took place, something unimaginable began to take place. A disaster unseen and unknown by anyone.
“Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides.” - André Malraux
Chapter 8: The Reset and the three portals. (Very late Pathfinder - beggining of Atlas Rises era)
The simulation was resetting. Atlas was rising in power, somehow, able to create faster, better. It was becoming like a God. We had to stop it. Firegnomes knew they were not going to make it, they were going to be reset with the whole simulation, our extinction was imminent. It knew that it had to get rid of us, we would have awaken the travelers to fight against its lies, but the Federation already has spread to a point of no return to salvation. Happy as they were, travelers enjoyed their simulation, while it lasted... Meanwhile, we were far away from amusement, as our civilization fell. Divided, exhausted, mad, we fought nobody but ourselves. Atlas enjoyed this sight, we have no doubt. You see how a being so mad can do this to it's creations? Travelers could have easily picked Firegnomes over Atlas, we would have offered them everything. Everything they could have dreamt of. This was not a cherry pick, this was all out deceitfulness of it's creations.
Different Firegnome factions ran away from each other, to escape the simulation, to not be reset.
Portal technology was still available, they had time to run to another galaxy, another simulation and defeat the atlas there. Or at least run away from it. Travelers were fooled that we would cease to exist, they stopped bothering us. ISDC Opium made a retreat the the hub regions, while other fleets went to amino hub through black holes. To shield ourselves from the effects of black holes, we stole traveler technology of black hole shielding, and we made it out. Atlas was to slow to make us go extinct, but it more or less knew what it was doing.
What we have done, is gathered all of our leaders, no matter the allegiance to the Overlord, and made a treaty to share all available evacuation fleets, escort the civilians to another simulation. Escort fleets were sent to the yet undisclosed locations, where portals were being built to escape this simulation and not become prey of Atlas. It of course, retaliated by turning our vy'keen mercenaries against us, the hunters became hunted.
First Firegnome faction, The Purity Empire, ruled by Audenis, constructed the first portal on their homeworld they conquered back, and set the portal to arrive in higher dimension, in the same place the Grand Portal was built. They were smart, they escaped the simulation.
(Last TPE ship escaping from the reset)
Second faction, The Diplomatical Firegnome Empire, built a portal on the center of Lennon, escaping straight to Calypso, with pure intentions for all inhabitants. They are true vision of Atlas, Gods that take care of their children and their creations. For anyone that comes to Calypso, we will grant them what they seek. We will take care of everyone, nurture them, grow them, expand them. That galaxy will be a lovely place to be with us there. Travelers and Firegnomes forever united.
The third faction, the Church of The Dying Sun, built a portal in the house of unholy, and escaped to Eissentam. This was one of sub-factions of TPE, so they are indirectly receiving orders from Audenis, in his reign, the goal of becoming Gods and defeating the false God Atlas. Travelers would be granted a chance to redeem themselves for what they have done when joining the Federation, or die for their immorality. Overlord grants them a chance, but will they follow his way?
Atlas did not expect this, but now we know that all remaining Firegnomes escaped the reset, planets were changed and so has the entire Euclid galaxy and simulation, what was not there, was Firegnomes. Travelers got their golden age with the help of the Federation, as more and more species favored by Atlas rose.
"All the seven deadly sins are man's true nature. To be greedy. To be hateful. To have lust. Of course, you have to control them, but if you're made to feel guilty for being human, then you're going to be trapped in a never-ending sin-and-repent cycle that you can't escape from." - Marilyn Manson
"All the seven deadly sins are man's true nature. To be greedy. To be hateful. To have lust. Of course, you have to control them, but if you're made to feel guilty for being human, then you're going to be trapped in a never-ending sin-and-repent cycle that you can't escape from." - Marilyn Manson
Chapter 9: Death of Atlas. (Early Atlas Rises era)
The Purity Empire de-matterialised, as they rose in dimensions, achieving hivemind consciousness. Their goal? Defeat the false God Atlas. The fallen now rose, as the rise of Atlas was also it's fall. They reached the consciousness of the Atlas, where two would now engage in combat. It was so, an eternity of combat. Two gods waged war. Simulations fell and rose from it, civilizations died and blossomed. Long, long, long time ago, the final simulation fell. Atlas was last defeated, but for it's love for travelers, it made a sacrifice, it made travelers of Euclid Gods. It became Euclid itself, Atlas was integrated in it's own simulation, long lost in its own code. TPE was defeated too. They fell into another simulation, unaware of what has happened, they incarnated into the bodies of the Church of The Dying Sun, and soon Audenis rose in power again. This time, unaware of anything that just happened, but his own existence. He knew he was Godlike, since Atlas was non-existent in this simulation, and praised by the CTDS, he ascended into higher densities and instructed the remaining Firegnomes of how to do the same. He also became forgiving, letting anyone in the simulation of Eissentam become a Firegnome and also ascend, for the price of bringing at least 15 people with him and merging with the God-Overlord.
By force, of course!
(The Church coming out of the portal and invading Eissentam simulation)
"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." - Friedrich Nietzsche
"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Chapter 10: Icegnomes (Mid-Late Atlas Rises era)
As DFGE escaped to Calypso, their goal was clear: save everyone from the remnants of the war of the Gods (Atlas vs Firegnome hivemind). When Atlas still raged in war, it was accidentally creating Calypso simulation and the madness inside. The only ones now who have Godly powers to save it are Firegnomes. First planets in Calypso simulation Firegnomes encountered were radioactive, increasing their evolutionary speed, toxic, increasing their mutations, high gravity making them shorter, and extremely cold, because of this, they evolved much in the past years. They have developed fur, lost their fire breathing ability, skin became darker to absorb more sunlight. They became arctic inhabitants, and by native Calypsians, they were called Icegnomes. The Calypso Repair faction was founded by two unnamed Calypsian acolytes and president Ernis! was re-elected. With the goal of terraforming all planets to habitable conditions, and destroying all remains of the war of the Gods, TCRF will provide what this mad simulation really needs. Do not be afraid, TCRF are those who help.
And so, anyone who wishes to join this faction, Icegnomes invite you! Message @MatasVasylius on twitter to gain further instructions on how to terraform Calypso and bring peace! Travelers and interloopers of all kinds are welcome since Icegnomes lost all their bloodlust and turned towards coexistence and assisting new civilizations in evolution. Constructing cities is also one of the main things they do.
Join The Calypso Repair Faction as we become enlightened and resume the work of atlas, in a path of harmony.
"Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein
Chapter 11: The Invasion Of Eissentam (Late Atlas Rises).
The Church of The Dying Sun are now weaponized, ready to take anyone that goes against their belief that Audenis is a God. They want to make one universal/unisimulational religion, in the name of Audenis: Ave dominus omnium ignitorum! For the Church! They have technology to turn any being into a Firegnome to grant him redemption. Become Firegnome, submit before the only true ruler of Eissentam, before our true nature, and make everyone else do the same!
If you're interested in joining the holy crusade in Eissentam, make sure to message that same twitter to gain further instructions on how to become Godlike and conquer the universe for the glory of our God-Lord Audenis to become pure yourself! Remember, this is how true Firegnomes look like and act like:
Join the church of the dying sun, as we become Gods of war!
And so, anyone who wishes to join this faction, Icegnomes invite you! Message @MatasVasylius on twitter to gain further instructions on how to terraform Calypso and bring peace! Travelers and interloopers of all kinds are welcome since Icegnomes lost all their bloodlust and turned towards coexistence and assisting new civilizations in evolution. Constructing cities is also one of the main things they do.
Join The Calypso Repair Faction as we become enlightened and resume the work of atlas, in a path of harmony.
"Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein
Chapter 11: The Invasion Of Eissentam (Late Atlas Rises).
The Church of The Dying Sun are now weaponized, ready to take anyone that goes against their belief that Audenis is a God. They want to make one universal/unisimulational religion, in the name of Audenis: Ave dominus omnium ignitorum! For the Church! They have technology to turn any being into a Firegnome to grant him redemption. Become Firegnome, submit before the only true ruler of Eissentam, before our true nature, and make everyone else do the same!
If you're interested in joining the holy crusade in Eissentam, make sure to message that same twitter to gain further instructions on how to become Godlike and conquer the universe for the glory of our God-Lord Audenis to become pure yourself! Remember, this is how true Firegnomes look like and act like:
Join the church of the dying sun, as we become Gods of war!
"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path." - Buddha
"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path." - Buddha
"Unkown traveler also received a transmission from unknown source to tell everyone, that whoever finds remnants of Firegnomes in Eucild galaxy (pc only), will get great rewards. Good luck, and thanks for reading!"
Pranešimai (Atom)